Happy new year everybody. Here we are at the start of a new year. I am going to make an educated guess and assume that many of you have told yourself over the last month or so “2024 I’m gonna stop smoking weed”. Am I right? Thought so. You’ve now woken up and realised it’s just another day and the cravings have not gone away. The motivation that you create inside your mind at the start of a new year may get you through a day or two without smoking, but as we all know, this does not last long. This is because it is not motivation you need to stay off something you are addicted to, it is discipline.
Discipline is what will keep you off weed for the entirety of 2024, not just the first few days or weeks. When that new year feeling starts fading away and you’re getting texts from your dealer, it is discipline and discipline alone that is going to stop you from going back to old ways. So, how do you stay disciplined? Let me do my best to explain…
The number one thing is something I have said before, which is start something of your own which contributes to becoming the person you want to be, which you simply cannot do when you’re getting high all the time. Examples I’ve given include starting a small business, starting a gym regime etc. Once you start these things and become attached to them, seeing yourself making progress, you are much more likely to prioritise these things and your overall personal success. You need to have an end goal in sight, and also smaller, more easily attainable goals laid out on the way. Always having something to work towards or that you are close to achieving is a great way of distracting yourself from your old lazy habit.
The hardest opponent of your personal discipline are withdrawal symptoms. Not being able to sleep, experiencing severe anxiety and mood swings to name a few. These experiences can be so negative that you just give in and smoke to prevent them for at least one evening. I’ve mentioned before how CBD products can help get through this. Friends of mine have also recently been using mushroom extract products such as mushroom teas and drops etc which they claim have got rid of their anxiety and helped them get better quality sleep. It may be worth looking into these things if withdrawal symptoms keep defeating you whenever you try to quit.
At the end of the day, it’s your life. However, the fact you are even reading this is because you know you want to quit. The fact you are even reading this should be all that is necessary for you to tell yourself that it is time to actually quit this shit. It can be easy to convince yourself that carrying on is not too detrimental, but we all know the truth deep down, so it is time to take matters into your own hands.
All the best,